Using Partner Hub — A Coach's Tool
Use Partner Hub to configure templates and manage clients.
Org Chart
Partner Hub
Integrations and Beta
Account Options and Troubleshooting
Table of Contents
What Is Partner Hub?
Partner Hub is a versatile tool for coaches, implementers, and partners using Ninety. It simplifies client management, enables template customization, and streamlines referral tracking.
This tool is tied to a coach, implementer, or partner account and applied across the user's assigned companies. If you do not see this tool, contact directly for assistance.
Key Features Overview
Manage Referred Companies
- View a comprehensive list of all companies associated with your referral link, including those you’ve onboarded manually.
- Monitor the status of these companies (for example, Active, Trial, or Lost).
Access Referral Links
- Access and manage your primary referral link.
- Attach a default or custom Business Operating System (BOS) template to your links.
- Create additional referral links for tracking or specific templates.
Configure Templates
- Customize BOS, Shared, and Custom Templates to fit your coaching style.
- Share templates with other coaches or assign them to clients.
Track Insights (Beta)
- Track client health metrics such as completed To-Dos, meeting ratings, and more.
- View Average Client Health Scores or drill down to individual client stats.
Managing Existing Clients
The Partner Hub tool is located at the top of the left navigation. Your referred companies list includes companies that clicked your referral link but have not yet added you to their account. All companies on the list count toward your revenue share account if you're part of the program.
When viewing the Referred Companies section, users can view their existing clients, including the Business Operating System (BOS), Custom, or Shared Templates in use.
- Click Partner Hub from the left navigation.
- Select Referred Companies to view all associated companies.
- Monitor their status to gauge client engagement and progress.
Setting Up New Clients
When you're ready to set up a new client, you can use Partner Hub to set them up manually or use a referral link.
Manually Create a Company
To manually create a company in Partner Hub:
- Click Partner Hub > Referred Comapnies.
- Click the New Company button on the top right of the page.
- Fill out the required information (for example, Company Name and Client Email).
- Select the appropriate BOS template.
- Click Create Company.
Client emails are for setup purposes only. Ninety will not send automatic emails to your clients.
Using a Referral Link
Referral links are generated through PartnerStack, which we use as a Partner Management System to help you track performance, monitor earnings, and more.
To create a new company with your referral link in Partner Hub:
- Click Partner Hub from the left navigation.
- Click Referral Links from Partner Hub's side navigation.
- Click Copy on the desired referral link or create a new one.
- Send the link to your client and have them create their account with Ninety.
Creating New Referral Links
If you use different business operatin systems or templates with different companies, you may benefit from having more than one referral link.
To create a new referral link in Partner Hub:
- Click Partner Hub > Referral Links.
- Click Add Referral Link in the Additional Referral Links section to automatically generate a link through PartnerStack.
- Select a Ninety template from the Template dropdown.
- Click Save.
You can design your own Ninety template in the Custom Template section and assign it to a referral link.
Working with Templates
When you assist a client in creating an account on Ninety, they will use our platform based on the template you assign. You can choose one of our core templates or create your own.
Every template has the following sections:
- Configuration — Upload a logo, change the base BOS the template is based on, and alter the color palette by selecting the toggle and each color.
- Language — Review and edit the language Ninety displays for your client. For more on configurable language, review this article.
- Vision + Goals — Modify how the Vision tool displays in Ninety.
- Mastery — Customize, turn on, or turn off the Mastery tool .
- Meetings — Review and customize meeting agendas. Learn more about custom meetings.
- Knowledge — Create, organize, and oversee the content your clients see in the Knowledge Portal.
- Sharing (Custom Templates Only) — Share BOS templates with other partners looking to edit their clients' experience with Ninety.
Creating Templates
When creating a custom template, you can start from scratch or clone an existing template. You can copy one of our pre-loaded Core Templates (such as 90os, which is our default template) or a Custom Template you've created or that has been shared with you.
Read through the tabs below to learn about cloning existing templates.
Cloning a Core Template
To make a copy of a Core Template:
- Click Partner Hub from the left navigation.
- Click one of the Core Templates.
- Click More Options toward the top right of the screen.
- Select Clone Template from the dropdown.
- Write a name for the cloned template in the popup.
- Click Clone.
Cloning a Custom Template
To clone one of your custom templates:
- Click Partner Hub from the left navigation.
- Click one of your Custom Templates.
- Click Manage Template toward the top right of the screen.
- Select Clone Template from the dropdown.
- Write a name for the cloned template in the popup.
- Click Clone.
To create a new Custom Template:
- Click Partner Hub from the left navigation.
- Click + Add Template toward the bottom of Partner Hub's side navigation.
- Write a name.
- Choose a BOS Template.
- Click Add Template.
Editing Your Custom Templates
Click one of your Custom Templates to begin editing any of the following sections.
In the Configuration tab, you can customize the template's:
- Logo
- Name
- Business Operating System (BOS)
- Custom Colors
- Master tool options
In the Language tab, you can customize several of the tools and features of the Ninety platform, including:
- My 90 and its components
- Data and Scorecards
- KPIs
- Rocks
- Milestones
- To-Dos
- Issues (short-term and long-term)
- Meeting types
- Headlines
- Cascading Messages
- Vision and its components
- Org Chart
- 1-on-1
- Process
- Directory
- Mastery
- Assessments (not the Assessments themselves)
Vision + Goals
In the Vision + Goals tab, you can pre-populate and change the names of any of the cards on the Vision and Goals pages of the Vision tool.
In the Meetings tab, you can edit all of Ninety's default meeting agendas and create custom agendas for clients to use.
In the 1-on-1 tab, you can edit, rearrange, and create the commitments and questions used by Ninety's 1-on-1 tool for Quarterly and Annual Discussions.
In the Knowledge tab, you can create, organize, and oversee the content your clients have access to in their Knowledge Portal.
Applying Templates to an Existing Company
You can apply parts of a Core or Custom Template to any of your companies, including the template's:
- Logo
- Custom Colors
- Language (the terms for various tools and features in Ninety)
- Meeting Agendas
- Vision + Goals (customizable portions of the Vision tool)
- Mastery
- 1-on-1 (customizable questions for performance reviews)
- Toggling on the agreements-based To-Dos optional feature
After you assign a template and create a company with a client, you can further customize their Ninety account using our available tools and settings. Please note that if you edit a custom template, those changes will not affect users who are already using the template.
To assign a Core or Custom Template to one of your client's companies:
- Click Partner Hub from the left navigation.
- Select a Template from the Partner Hub side navigation.
- Click More Options for a Core Template or Manage Template
- Select Apply to Company from the dropdown.
- Choose one or more companies from the Company dropdown.
- Click any number of the template's sections to apply.
- Click the Apply button.
Sharing a Custom Template with Another Ninety Partner
Custom Templates can be shared between coaches, implementers, or partners using Ninety. If another coach shares a template with you, you can assign it to your clients or clone it to make changes.
The coach, implementer, or partner you want to share a Custom Template with must have access to the Partner Hub tool first.
To share one of your Custom Templates:
- Click Partner Hub from the left navigation.
- Select one of your Custom Templates.
- Click the Sharing tab.
- Click Add Person to Share.
- Type their email address into the textbox.
- Click the Search button.
- Click the Share with… button.
Editing Live Companies
The Companies section, listed at the bottom of the Partner Hub side navigation, lists all your clients and their assigned templates. Click on a company to make live changes to their account. If they're using a Core or Shared Template, only the logo, company name, and color palette are editable. If they're using a Custom Template, the Configuration, Language, Vision + Goals, and Meetings sections are all editable.
Any changes made to a live company update immediately.
Insights — Currently in Beta
Partner Hub Insights is designed to help you offer data-informed analysis to your clients. Here, you can view your clients' activity in Ninety and gauge opportunities for growth.
Sign Up for Beta
Client Insights Overview
To see the health of your clients at a glance, we’ve created the health score to show how successful users are:
- Completing To-Dos
- Keeping Rocks on track
- Rating their meetings
- Performing on their Scorecards
- Solving Issues
Partner Hub automatically updates each metric daily to keep you informed. Use this data to see how well your clients use Ninety’s tools and adopt the concepts you teach them.
Health scores are calculated by weighing the following variables equally:
- To-Dos completed
- Rocks on-track
- Meeting ratings
- Scorecard metrics
- Issues solved
Average Client Health Score
The Average Client Health Score section displays the health score average of all your clients using Ninety.
Client-Specific Health Scores
The Client-Specific Health Scores section has a dropdown menu of all your clients so you can see each company’s specific stats.