Archiving and Deleting To-Dos

How to remove completed or unnecessary action items from your To-Dos list in Ninety.

Written by Tommy Mains

Updated at March 25th, 2025

The To-Dos tool's archive saves all your team's completed or archived To-Dos in one central location. You can review your team's archived To-Dos anytime by clicking the Archive toggle.


Archiving To-Dos

Arching completed or irrelevant To-Dos keeps your lists clean and organized between meetings. The steps to archive one or more To-Dos are the same for short or long-term To-Dos.

Archiving a To-Do

Any licensed user can archive a To-Do by following these steps:

  1. Click To-Dos from the left navigation.
  2. Right-click the To-Do or click the ellipsis at the end of its row.
  3. Select Archive from the dropdown.

You can also archive a To-Do from its details panel by clicking the ellipsis at the top of the panel and selecting Archive.


Bulk Archiving Completed To-Dos

Users with Manager or higher permissions can archive all To-Dos marked complete.

To archive all completed To-Dos:

  1. Click To-Dos from the left navigation.
  2. Click the storage box icon on the Filters bar.
  3. Click Archive on the popup to confirm.

Restoring Archived To-Dos

To restore an archived To-Do:

  1. Click To-Dos from the left navigation.
  2. Select the intended team from the Team dropdown.
  3. Click the Archive toggle on.
  4. Right-click the intended To-Do.
  5. Select Unarchive from the dropdown.


Deleting To-Dos

Deleting a To-Do permanently removes it from your workspace and the archive. Any licensed user can delete a To-Do.

To delete a To-Do:

  1. Right-click the intended To-Do.
  2. Select Delete from the drop dropdown.


Since deleting a To-Dos permanently removes its data, we recommend archiving unwanted or cancelled To-Doss instead.



Deleting a Repeating To-Do

To delete all occurrences of a repeating To-Do, you must delete it from the To-Dos page. If you delete it from the My 90 page, it only deletes the current To-Do.

  1. Click To-Dos from the left navigation.
  2. Find your repeating To-Do.
  3. Right-click the To-Do or click the ellipses.
  4. Choose Delete from the dropdown.
  5. Once you've selected Delete, choose to delete this occurrence or all.
  6. Select All.