Navigating the Issues Page

How to make your way around the Issues tool in Ninety

Written by Tommy Mains

Updated at March 21st, 2025

Use the following filters to sort through Issues effectively:

  • Short-Term or Long-Term Issues
  • Team dropdown
  • Archive toggle
  • Search bar


Issues Page
Team Dropdown
Archive Toggle
Search Bar

The Issues tool first organized by teams and then by Issue type. The Short-Term and Long-Term tabs bring you to a unique page with separate Issues lists for either your team's immediate or long-term planning.

Switch between each tab to view your team's Issues lists.

  • Short-term Issues are typically addressed during Weekly Team Meetings or during 1:1s between leaders and team members.
  • Long-term Issues are strategic in nature and discussed during Quarterly or Annual Planning. These may become future Rocks, Key Topics, or remain on the list until the team is ready to tackle them.

Click the Archive Toggle on to view your team's archived Issues. 

Use the search bar to quickly find Issues.


Issues Page Organization

The Issues page typically consists of a single list of Issues. If Issues are sent to your team or if you send Issues to another team, they are shown on separate lists.

The top of each Issues list displays the Issue type (short- or long-term), the total number of Issues the team has raised, and two options for how the Issues are laid out.


List Views

There are two ways to display your Issues:

  • List View — Displayed as an icon with three vertical bullet points, each followed by a horizontal line.
  • Column View — Displayed as six horizontal lines organized in a borderless table that’s two columns wide and three rows tall.

You can select which view you want from the top right of the Issues list (but below the Filters bar and tabs (Short-Term, Long-Term) row.


Reorganizing and Sorting Issues

Each Issues list has several ways to help users organize their Issues. Click on any of the following filters to sort the list in ascending or descending order:

  • Title — the name of the Issue.
  • Ranking (#) — the priority ranking of the Issue (1-5).
  • Created — the date (month, day) the Issue was created.
  • Owner — the licensed user who owns the Issue.


Owning an Issue means that the owner can ultimately decide when the Issue is solved/resolved.