What is Henryx? (Text-Messaging Actions)
Henryx is Ninety's text-message service to add Rocks, To-Dos, or Issues, retrieve info, and get reminders directly through a mobile phone.
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What is Henryx?
Henryx is Ninety's texting service and future Mentor Bot. Users can connect their phone number and begin texting with Henryx to add or retrieve content from their Ninety account.
Henryx knows when a user is on multiple teams. When these users add an Issue, Henryx asks which team to add it to. If a user works with multiple companies, Henryx can handle that, too. You can see the complete list of commands to give Henryx here and enable any mobile device.
What can Henryx do?
- Add a Rock, Issue, or To-Do
- Receive reminders about incomplete Rocks and To-Dos
- Obtain lists of current Rocks, To-Dos, and Issues lists
- Update Headlines on the go
Henryx has a limited number of characters they can include in a text, so visiting Nintey on a mobile browser may be best if a user has an above-average number of To-Dos or
Activate Phone Number
These instructions show how to access the following features through text messages with Henryx:
Henryx learns how to help the more it's used by an individual user. Here's how to set up your phone number and start chatting with Henryx.
- Visit Settings.
- Within Settings, click Notifications.
- Click Henryx tab.
- Click Add Company.
- Input phone number and enter verification code.
- Read the first message from Henryx
Available SMS Actions
Henryx Text Actions
- Get my to-do's
- Get my rocks
- Get my issues
- Change company
- Change team
- Add issue
- Add rock
- Add to-do
- Add headlines
Tip: Commands cannot exceed 256 characters.
Multiple teams and companies
With multiple teams or companies activated, you can use the change functions above to get content from your various teams.
When adding information, choose the right team. When getting information, change the team or company to see additional content.
Other things to keep in mind when texting Henryx
Henryx knows if someone is on multiple teams, so any of these commands prompt a text regarding the preferred team. All variations of To-Do are acceptable:
- to-do
- todo
- todos
- todo's
- to-do's
To-Dos automatically receive a due date of 7 days out. Rocks automatically receive a due date of 90 days out. Rocks/To-Dos/Issues are automatically assigned to the person creating them.
How to get To-Dos via SMS
To receive a list of To-Dos via SMS, text Henryx one of the following commands:
- What are my to-do's?
- Get to-do's
- List to-do's
- My to-do's?
Tip: All commands can be done with or without a question mark.
Henryx will be getting more intelligent over time. Don't forget to share feedback and ask the Client Success Team any questions along the way — we are available via LIVE CHAT.
Turning SMS Off
Note: Henryx (SMS) is activated by default. Please follow the steps below to remove the option for users to use SMS. Only users with Owner* or Admin* privileges can perform this action.
- Visit Settings > Configuration.
- Under Henryx, toggle SMS on/off.