Ninety Glossary

Written by Amanda Barfield

Updated at February 10th, 2025

This is a auto-generated Article of all your definitions within the glossary.


This is a auto-generated Article of all your definitions within the glossary.

  • 9 Core Competencies

    The nine areas businesses need to master to build a great company. The 9 Core Competencies are Vision, Customer, Goals, People, Structure, Data, Meetings, Process, and Enterprise Value.

  • Annual Planning Meeting (APM)

    🧩 Configurable term 🧩 A yearly meeting with a default agenda in Ninety where teams conduct long-term strategic work, review their Vision, and update goals.

  • Baseline Assessment

    An assessment to establish your organization's proficiencies with the 9 Core Competencies, provide you with a BOS Readiness Score, and insights on whether or not you would benefit from a coach.

  • BOS Platform

    A set of online tools used that help integrate data, opportunities, issues, processes, and people to help a business achieve its goals while accelerating its vision. Ninety is a BOS Platform.

  • Business Operating System (BOS

    (Plural BOSs.) Every business has a system of tools, data, and processes that people inside of it use to get things done.

  • Cascading Messages

    🧩 Configurable term 🧩 Messages sent from other teams. These are shown during the Headlines section of a meeting and managed in the Headlines tool.

  • Compelling and Audacious Goals (CAGs)

    🧩 Configurable term 🧩 Part of your organization's Vision describing long-term goals that requires focus and alignment to accomplish.

  • Competency, Commitment, Capacity (CCC)

    🧩 Configurable term 🧩 Ninety's framework for evaluating a team member's fit for a specific Seat.

  • Core Values

    🧩 Configurable term 🧩 A set of guiding principles and behaviors that an organization desires to see consistently embodied by its team members.

  • Data tool

    🧩 Configurable term 🧩 Access the Data tool from the left navigation to configure and update your Scorecards.

  • Facilitator

    The person leading a meeting. In most instances, it is preferable to have a separate person running Ninety's software and taking notes.

  • Focus Filters

    The essential elements of a simple but complete company Vision: Core Values, Purpose/Passion/Just Cause, Go-to-Market Strategy (Ideal Customer, Industry and Niche, Unique Value Proposition), and Goals (CAGs, 3-Year and 1-Year Goals, Rocks). Each decision a team member makes should be aligned with these organizational commitments.

  • Foundation Setting Session

    🧩 Configurable term 🧩 A necessary meeting or set of meetings with a default agenda in Ninety where a team aims to upgrade their Business Operating System by learning the following concepts and their Ninety tools: the Org Chart, Rocks, Scorecards, and Weekly Team Meetings.

  • Goal Setting Session

    🧩 Configurable term 🧩 A necessary meeting or set of meetings with a default agenda in Ninety where a team aims to upgrade their Business Operating System by learning the following concepts and their Ninety tools: Goals, Rocks, and Issues.

  • Go to Market Strategy

    🧩 Configurable term 🧩 A piece of your Vision that includes your industry, niche, Ideal Customer personas, and Unique Value Proposition.

  • Headlines

    🧩 Configurable term 🧩 News or announcements read during meetings. Manage your team's Headlines using the Headlines tool on the left navigation.

  • Henryx

    Ninety’s tool to let people interact with Ninety via text messaging.

  • Issues

    🧩 Configurable term 🧩 An obstacle, frustration, idea, question, or opportunity to resolve with your team. Manage yours in our Issues tool from the left navigation.

  • KPI

    🧩 Configurable term 🧩 A quantifiable metric for evaluating success. Create, update, and manage KPIs using the Data tool from the left navigation.

  • Lead, Agree, Coach (LAC)

    The skills those in leadership positions should acquire and develop in order to be good leaders. This involves both leadership agreements and coaching agreements.

  • Long-Term Issues

    🧩 Configurable term 🧩 Make any Issue a Long-Term Issue if it should be discussed during your next quarterly or annual meeting. Many Long-Term Issues become Rocks.

  • Mastery

    🧩 Configurable term 🧩 As you engage, learn, and master the core concepts covered in the tool, mark them as "Mastered" during your Quarterly Planning Meetings.

  • Meetings tool

    🧩 Configurable term 🧩 Use the Meetings tool from the left navigation to start, configure, and schedule your team's meetings.

  • Milestones

    🧩 Configurable term 🧩 A segment of a Rock (quarterly goal). View Milestones using My 90 or the Rocks tool from the left navigation.

  • My 90

    🧩 Configurable term 🧩 The My 90 page represents the home base for users. It shows all the content the user is responsible for and generates charts to show progress on To-Dos, Rocks, and KPIs.

  • Org Fitness Review

    An assessment for any team to take quarterly for measuring your growth in the 9 Core Competencies.

  • Purpose/Passion/Just Cause

    🧩 Configurable term 🧩 A segment of your organization's Vision describing its reason to exist, its drive, and/or its ideal future.

  • Raise, Discuss, Resolve (RDR)

    🧩 Configurable term 🧩 Ninety's method of processing Issues — someone raises an Issue to the team, they discuss it, and determine the path toward its resolution.

  • Rock

    🧩 Configurable term 🧩 A quarterly goal that one person is accountable for.

  • Rocks tool

    🧩 Configurable term 🧩 Use the Rocks tool from the left navigation to create, update, and manage quarterly goals.

  • Roles and Responsibilities

    🧩 Configurable term 🧩 A description of a Seat in the Org Chart describing how someone holding that Seat allocates their time and what they're accountable for.

  • Scorecard

    🧩 Configurable term 🧩 A collection of KPIs that give your team an at-a-glance look at the health of the organization at large or the team specifically.

  • Seat

    🧩 Configurable term 🧩 A position in your organization that can have one or more individuals assigned. Manage Seats using the Org Chart tool from the left navigation.

  • SMaC

    Stands for Specific, Methodical, and Consistent. The SMaC recipe comes from chapter 6 of the book Great by Choice, written by Jim Collins and Morten Hansen.

  • Target

    An agreed-upon bar set for a KPI. Ninety's Data tool shows KPIs as being above, below, or equal to their targets.

  • To-Dos

    🧩 Configurable term 🧩 An action item to complete. Use My 90 or the To-Dos tool to create, update, and manage them.

  • Unique Value Proposition (UVP)

    A company’s value creation promise to its customers, usually one of: lowest cost, innovation, customer service, status.

  • User Roles

    A user's role determines their access and permissions for each of Ninety's tools.

  • Vision

    🧩 Configurable term 🧩 An organization's definition of itself and the expression of its highest aspirations.

  • Visionary

    A leader or entrepreneur who has a future state in mind that they want to turn into reality.

  • Vision tool

    🧩 Configurable term 🧩 Where your organization and/or team document their unique goals, values, and strategies.

  • Weekly Team Meeting

    🧩 Configurable term 🧩 The standard weekly meeting for any team in Ninety where they solve problems and prioritize tasks.