Invite Your Coach

Add your coach or any advisor as a free user with complete access to edit and view your full account.

Written by Amanda Barfield

Updated at April 9th, 2024

Inviting a Coach

Only an Owner role can invite a coach to their Ninety account. You can also change any current user to a coach (more below).

  1. Navigate to the Directory on the left main navigation.
  2. Click Add People
  3. Ensure Invite to Company is selected.
  4. Fill out the required information (First Name, Last Name, and Email).
  5. Choose the Coach Role on the corresponding dropdown menu.
  6. Click the Invite to Company button at the bottom of the pop-up menu.

Selecting the Implementer role grays out the Teams field because that role has access to all teams.



Coach Permissions in Ninety

The Coach role has similar access to Admins.

Here is a summary of their permissions:

  • Edit all teams
  • Invite users
  • Control Billing (adding a credit card and updating subscriptions)
  • Add/Create any content
  • Start meetings
  • View Feedback Discussions

However, Implementers cannot be assigned content (Rocks, To-Dos, Issues, and so on).

Permission Details for Each Tool













Org Chart















Updating an Existing User to Coach

  1. Navigate to the Directory on the left main navigation.
  2. Find the person in your Directory to become your Coach.
  3. Click on their current role in the Role column.
  4. Click on Coach from the dropdown menu.

Note: Once someone has the Implementer role, they cannot be assigned to any teams and will be removed from any teams they were on previously. Their role gives them access to view and edit all teams on your account.